Showing 16 of 16 resources
Animate CSS
Animation Library that contains easy-to-use animations for your websites and web apps
Animate CSS
- Frontend
- Animations
- User Experience (UX)
- ReactJS
- NextJS
- Javascript
- Angular
- VueJS
AOS - Animate on scroll
An easy-to-use library for animating content on scroll.
AOS - Animate on scroll
- Frontend
- Animations
- User Experience (UX)
- ReactJS
- NextJS
- Angular
- VueJS
- Javascript
A utility-first CSS framework packed with classes like flex, pt-4, text-center and rotate-90 that can be composed to build any design, directly in your markup.
- Frontend
- Styling
- ReactJS
- NextJS
- Angular
- VueJS
Free starter website templates
- Frontend
- User Interface (UI)
- Templates
- Tailwindcss
- NextJS
- Angular
- ReactJS
- Nuxt
- Svelte
- Astro
- Bootstrap
- Django
- Bulma
- Gatsby
The full-stack Angular meta-framework (Same way Next.js is for React).
- Frontend
- Fullstack
- Angular
Headless Rich text editor builder
- Frontend
- Fullstack
- ReactJS
- Headless
- Rich Text editor
- NextJS
- SolidJS
- VueJS
- Svelte
- Nuxt
- Javascript
- Angular
Rough Notation
A small JavaScript library to create and animate annotations on a web page
Rough Notation
- Frontend
- Javascript
- ReactJS
- NextJS
- Angular
- SolidJS
- Svelte
- Fullstack
Start developing with an open-source library of over 600+ UI components, sections, and pages built with the utility classes from Tailwind CSS and designed in Figma.
- Frontend
- Fullstack
- Tailwindcss
- ReactJS
- NextJS
- Angular
- VueJS
- Svelte
- SolidJS
- Nuxt
- Astro
- Styling
Apex charts
Powerful charts library (Check under Integrations for Framework documentation)
Apex charts
- ReactJS
- Angular
- VueJS
- NextJS
- Frontend
- Fullstack
- Charts
Date fns
Javascript library for date manipulation
Date fns
- Frontend
- Fullstack
- Backend
- Date
- ReactJS
- VueJS
- Angular
- Svelte
- Javascript
Box-shadow editor
Visual editor to create modern-looking shadows
Box-shadow editor
- Frontend
- ReactJS
- VueJS
- Angular
Ng Bootstrap
Angular widgets built from the ground up using Bootstrap 5 CSS with APIs designed for the Angular ecosystem.
Ng Bootstrap
- Frontend
- Angular
Ng Bootstrap
Angular widgets built from the ground up using Bootstrap 5 CSS with APIs designed for the Angular ecosystem.
Ng Bootstrap
- Frontend
- Angular
- Styling
Angular Material
Material Design components for Angular
Angular Material
- Frontend
- Angular
Taiga UI
Powerful set of open-source UI components for Angular
Taiga UI
- Frontend
- Angular
Layout Generator
Layout generator for design inspiration
Layout Generator
- ReactJS
- NextJS
- Angular
- CSS Grid
- User Interface (UI)
- Frontend